Destination and Authentication
Find below all the parameters related to the connection destination and authentication.
The last three columns of the table will let you know what parameters should be sent depending on the authentication mode used.
Parameter | What it means | Type/format | Default | Profile | Digest | None |
profileKey | Key that identifies a profile in order to establish the connection through it. The profileKey access key must be sent when you using "Access Profiles". You will find the key information while Editing a profile. | string profile key | must | must not | must not | |
computer | The remote desktop IP and port to connect to. For "None", "Username/Password" as authentication mode or for the [any computer] profile you will have to specify the computer parameter. | string IP:Port | must not | must | must | |
username | The remote desktop username credential. | string username | could | could | could | |
password | The remote desktop password credential. | string password | could | could | could | |
askForCredentials | The askForCredentials parameter set to true, will make sure that whenever the username or password values to authenticate against the remote machine are not available, Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server will prompt the user to inform them. If the askForCredentials is set to false, no dialog will be shown to the user and in case there is no password or username to authenticate, the user will not be able to log in. | boolean true,false | false | could | could | could |
overrideDefaults1 | If you are using Access Profiles as authentication mode and set this property is set to true, most of the Profile settings will be overridden by the parameters sent on the Connect method. | boolean true,false | false | could | must not | must not |
disablenla2 | Set the option disableNLA if you use a CredSSP other than Microsoft on the Remote Machine. | boolean true,false | false | could | must not | must not |
1. The properties computer, profileKey, startprg and command can not be overridden for security reasons.
2. This option will only be considered by Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server if you are not using profiles as authentication mode, or for the any computer profile.
If you wish to use the integration in order to connect to a specific application/program, set the following parameters:
Parameter | What it means | Type/format | Default | Profile | Digest | None |
startprg | Sets the launching application mode. Set 0 for "Do nothing" option; 1 for "Start a program" option; 2 for "Launch RemoteApp" option. | integer 0,1 or 2 | 0 | could | could | could |
command | Full remote application path that should start upon connection establishment. | string app path | could | could | could | |
directory | Initial context directory to be used by the application set on command parameter described above. | string dir path | could | could | could | |
cmdargs | Arguments to start the application specified on the "command" property. | string app args | could | could | could |
If you want to establish Hyper-V or RDS collection VM connections, set the parameters below:
Parameter | What it means | Type/format | Default | Profile | Digest | None |
desttype2 | Set the desttype to "VMID" in case you want to establish a connection to a Hyper-V Virtual Machine or set "RDS" if you want to create a connection to an RDS Collection VM. The connection will act as a regular connection in case you don't inform this property of inform any value different from "VMID" and "RDS". | string VMID or RDS | could | could | could | |
destinfo2 | Inform the Virtual Machine ID, for Hyper-V Virtual Machine connections or inform the TSV URL for RDS Collection Virtual Machines. | string Virtual Machine ID or TSV URL | could | could | could |
2. This option will only be considered by Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server if you are not using profiles as authentication mode, or if you are connecting through the any computer profile.
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